Student Blogs

Life is a Highway

September 1st, 2014 jdande16

Sorry for the space between posts, between the Summer University and new friends, I usually just wanted to collapse in bed when I got back to my room. The Summer Uni is over now, so I’m going to try to do a couple posts about my experiences therein.

So, this post will be about our impromptu trip to Augsburg one Saturday! And by impromptu, I mean impromptu on a whole ‘nother level from what I normally consider impromptu. All we had was a meeting time at the train station (7:00 A.M.) and a couple people who wanted to go somewhere, while the rest either didn’t understand the rail system yet (like me) or just didn’t have plans on Saturday (everyone). We bought a Bayern(Bavaria) ticket €39/5 people per ticket, with access to anywhere in Bavaria before midnight on Saturday. We didn’t actually choose Augsburg until we were in Nuremberg’s main train station, and mostly because it was the first train to somewhere that was a large-ish city in Bavaria.

Augsburg itself was fun, with characteristic beautiful churches and a fantastic palace that we got to take an unguided tour of. But perhaps the most enduring moment from our trip to Augsburg was the Fuggerai. The Fuggerai is, for lack of a better term, an apartment complex built by an old noble family in Augsburg, called the Fugger family, in which people still live today, making it the oldest still-operational living settlement in the world. You can probably guess at the jokes that were made at the Fuggers’ expense. There was also a WWII-era bomb shelter in the Fuggerai, which was also pretty cool to see the Allied bombing campaigns from a German perspective.

The only bad thing about Augsburg was, waking up at 6:00 A.M. to get to the train station on time, I forgot my camera, so I don’t have any personal pictures of the trip. I will, however, try to snag some from my friend’s Facebook pages and repost here.

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